4 reasons chlorine dioxide should be your preferred sanitiser

To the lay-person, a commercial kitchen is just a floor and some equipment that needs a good clean regularly. They don’t understand the dangers of bacterial contamination and how easy it is for food to be affected.

Most commercial kitchens will use bleach, or a similar sanitiser, to keep their space safe. Today, we will share with you the top five reasons you should be using chlorine dioxide instead.

Chlorine dioxide is more effective.

When we say that chlorine dioxide is more effective, we are referring to its use as an oxidizer. As an oxidizer, chlorine dioxide is very effective at killing bacteria, fungi and viruses. Chlorine dioxide has 2.6 times the oxidizing power of waterborne chlorine from bleach. This means there is a wider spectrum of bacteria, fungi and viruses that chlorine dioxide is effective against, keeping your food equipment and premises safe.

Chlorine dioxide is just as strong at higher levels of dilution

Sanitising agents are typically diluted, and activated, with water. With many sanitising agents, the level of dilution has to be quite low for them to remain effective. Chlorine dioxide has been found to be as effective at high levels of dilution. This means that it is more economical, because you don’t need to use as much to have the same great results. The food equipment and facilities will still get the same great clean but less of the sanitising agent can be used.

Chlorine dioxide doesn’t create toxic by-products

When cleaning of the equipment and kitchen has been completed, sanitiser is typically poured down the drain. This can lead to carcinogens forming in waste water that must then be dealt with. In comparison, chlorine dioxide breaks down into water and salt. These can easily be dealt with as they don’t introduce any toxic by-products. So your kitchen and equipment will be getting a great clean that is environmentally friendly.

Chlorine dioxide breaks down biofilm

Biofilm is a collection of microorganisms such as bacteria, that attach to a surface and begin to produce an extracellular polymeric substance that helps more of the bacteria to stick together and thrive. Biofilm can be very dangerous because it resists sanitisers like chlorine and bleach and can contaminate food. In commercial kitchens, biofilm will typically form in food equipment that uses or contains water. Chlorine dioxide has proven very effective at breaking down biofilm. Prevent dangerous biofilm build-ups in your food equipment by switching sanitisers.

When you’re ready to give your commercial kitchen the quality sanitiser that will keep it safe and clean, contact the experts at Natural Water Solutions on 1800 226 303 or via email at info@nwsolutions.com.au.

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