Project Description
To whom it may concern:
North Star Cruises have been using CleanOxide 75 (Pure Chlorine Dioxide) for our annual water tank cleaning.
We currently have 2 x 10000 litre tanks that are used for washing, drinking and showering.
The maintenance process includes:
- Activating the CleanOxide 8 hours prior to use.
- Screw on the self venting cap
- Attach a hose to the cap and put the hose into the tank. (The longer the hose the better)
- Open the tap on the cap and let the CleanOxide fill the tank and then close the tank lid.
- We normally leave the CleanOxide in the tanks for 24 to 48 hours and then release the water into the ocean.
We chose to use CleanOxide as our tank cleaner for the following reasons:
- CleanOxide is more powerful than other treatment solutions
- CleanOxide 75 does not produce toxic compounds in contact with organic materials present in water. (Safer/cleaner water for our staff & clients)
- CleanOxide 75 is biodegradable and after use it is safe to release into the ocean.
- CleanOxide 75 is non-corrosive at the recommended dose rates.
We also noticed that we no longer had to get in and scrub the tanks after treating them with CleanOxide. (Cost saving)
We would highly recommend CleanOxide 75 for tank cleaning purposes.
Project Description To whom it may concern: North Star Cruises have been using CleanOxide 75 (Pure Chlorine Dioxide) for our annual water tank cleaning. We currently have 2 x 10000 litre tanks that are used for washing, drinking and showering. The maintenance process includes: Activating the CleanOxide 8 hours prior to use. Screw on the […]