Project Description
We have now been using CleanOxide Liquid 75 (Pure Chlorine Dioxide) for the treatment of our Poultry drinking water now for over 12 months.
I have been extremely happy with the quality of the water since we started using CleanOxide Liquid 75.
Two of the main benefits we have noticed since using CleanOxide Liquid 75 are that our drippers have required less maintenance and there has been no green algae growth around the drippers, we can only assume that CleanOxide Liquid 75 is killing all the Algae and bacteria throughout our water supply pipes.
Natural Water Solutions has provided a very simple cost effective system that I easily mange myself.
Ian McPail
Project Description We have now been using CleanOxide Liquid 75 (Pure Chlorine Dioxide) for the treatment of our Poultry drinking water now for over 12 months. I have been extremely happy with the quality of the water since we started using CleanOxide Liquid 75. Two of the main benefits we have noticed since using CleanOxide Liquid […]